Voter Resources
A person may vote if he/she is 18 years old on or before Election Day.
The general election is Tuesday, November 8.
Voter Registration
It is necessary to be registered to vote. This can be done online, through the mail, at the Muscatine County Auditor’s Office, or in person at your polling place on Election Day (November 8). Election Day registration requires proof of identity and proof of residence in the precinct where you live.
Voting Options
Vote in person at the polling site for your precinct. Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Take your ID which has a photo and an expiration date.
Acceptable forms are:
Iowa driver’s license
Iowa non-operator’s ID
United States passport
United States military ID
Identification card from an employer
Iowa student ID
Out-of-state driver’s license
Out-of- state non-operator’s driver’s license
Old voter registration cards which do not have a bar code are not acceptable.
If the photo ID does not contain your current address in the precinct, you must present a document that includes your name and current address in the precinct such as a residential lease, utility bill, paycheck, property tax statement, or bank statement.
Vote by absentee ballot by mail.
This requires the completion of a request form found online HERE or from the Muscatine County Auditor.
The last day to return an absentee ballot application is Monday, October 24.
Requested ballots will be mailed within 24 hours after receipt by the Auditor and must be postmarked by the day before the election or hand delivered by the time polls close at 8 p.m. on November 8.
Only the voter, a household member, or a delivery agent may return absentee ballots.
To check the status of your mailed absentee ballot go to voterready.iowa.gov, Click “Track Your Absentee Ballot”.
If you receive an absentee ballot but want to vote at the polls, you must bring back the absentee ballot or vote provisionally.
Vote in person from October 19 to Monday, November 7, Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Muscatine County Auditor Office
414 E. Third Street, Suite 201
Muscatine, Iowa 52761
Ph: 563-263-5821
Fx: 563-263-7248